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Land Cruiser J200 Indikator ABS dan Rem Tangan Menyala serta suara beep di speedometer

30 Nov 2024
Land Cruiser J200 2010, with kilometer on going.
Suddenly ABS, handbrake indicator and beeeeepppp sound appear for no reason.

The brake pedal felt heavy and no feel of brake booster, the brake also irresponsive.
Succeed to bring back the car home, utilizing manual break pedal together with handbrake, drive slow and maintain safe distance.
Skip to this morning, after scanning google maps and land cruiser facebook group, with little confidence there is something wrong with the brake booster and ABS module, I drive the car to Industrial street 25 gate 24 ABWRQ garage, that claim that they are specialist of brake system and ABS. 

Note: magically when I drove the car to garage (17km), the problem suddenly gone and all work well, like nothing wrong, but still I bring to garage for check. This after inner talk with the car haha, said "calm down I bring you to garage to check, don't be upset" It is work haha.

Reach the garage at around 8.00 in the morning, talk with mechanic (with short uncomplicated word) we both make conclusion that yes the brake booster system, need to be checked, like only 5 minutes the whole brake booster system already taken down, I even haven't complete my packed breakfast. So fast.

Another 5-10 minutes, the system disassembled, they show me the culprit, it is the DC electric motor of the booster, the body mounting made of somekind hard plastic that gone brittle, yea, considering the car already 14 years old, it is reasonable, so solution proposed is to change the whole electric motor complete with the mounting. He offer QR900, I don't bargain, it is just my personal preference, since I have been work as mechanic also, so I now how it felt working on garage like this.

The solution proposed is inline with what I have observed and symptom;
1. The brake pedal when the booster run quite tingling like vibrate too much >> I think it is because the motor rotor move around do to the body mounting brittle
2. Sudden down and sudden normal of the booster system >> perhaps the motor is jammed when it is too inclined inside the motor housing, the bearing condition is good though, but where it is mount is the problem.

around 9.30AM ish all work done, just need to pay the man, only cash accepted, so we go to ATM together, The mechanic name is Ubaid (50272829), he gave the receipt with 15 days warranty, with offer to drink chai before I go.

If you have similar problem with your brake system ABS, any brand of car this ABRWQ is a place to go, they are indeed specialist.

Just a suggestion to cover your car carpet with paper and expect some dirty oil hand and shoes sole, because yea we work with mechanic with brake oil, we don't go to the mall that clean all the time.


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