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Qatar Karting Championship 2024 Round-3 Slow T1-T2 Combination and M shape turn

20 - 21 May 2024

Qatar Karting Championship 2024, Round 3 with below run-down, day-1 will be QTT, and day-2 full race (Pre-final and Final) same as usual.

Lusail Karting Circuit  layout using the 3rd variant, it is technical turn-1 and turn-2, low speed, sharp hairpin, it is battle of brake on entrance turn-1.

QTT Day-1 Result, I recorded 1:03.970, with the best track record during the day by Rizkallah 1:02.885, more than 1 second faster than myself. Great!.

Shorted the race into best 10 and below 10

Really wish to score points, only top-ten, honestly my initial strategy is try to go lower tier and finish 1st, instead rank as faster tier but finish 11th, it is 0 points.

Update 22 May 2024, Pre-Final and Grand Final

Grid as per qualifying time trial I recorded 1:03.970 using kart number 22, eligible for starting grid 18.

Pre-Final Race Result, during warm-up I already talk to official, since I got kart no.6, (not try to complain and make too much excuse) but kart no.6 is understeer too much and engine problem, during the beginning of the race I'm able to punch through 14th position, but then being pushed around by everyone, I lost my cool and everyone angry, but it is a race, I need to defend with this slow kart. I retaliate almost all attack to me (in clean and technical way, only racer understand this)

However, race is 10laps, sooner or later I don't have anything left to defend, so everyone pass by, finished last, as recorded from QTT 1:03.970 with kart number 22, with kart no.6 I only able recorded 1:05.329, almost 2 second different.

At the pitstop, everyone approach and angry at me, but I'm not penalized means that all what I do considered as racing incident. 3 racer yell at me, say sorry.

However during the pre-final race yes, I got my first warning in my entire racing life, so I calm down. just let it go.

Finishing last during pre-final means, Grand-Final (12laps) I will start and the end of the line, based on point system P11-P20 got zero (0) points, so why hustle?, see the back of the line.

I just cruising and finished the race, no need to fight again, no points whatsoever. recorded 1:04.674 in lap 10 of 12, 1 second faster than pre-final. Funny thing, the official at pitstop note about my appeal on kart no.6, he approach me after the grandfinal race, and said, bro Grand final you got no.18 kart, but why still finishing almost last?, he mock at me, but I prove my points, I invite him to see the result screen, I said, see the best time i got now? 1 second different? am I right? saying that kart no.6 have problem?

comparison : (driver still me with my below average skill)
Kart no.6      1:05.329 (driving style like hell )
Kart no.18    1:04.674 (just cruising and chillin driving style)

Another funny things during this time is, I met all P11-p20 racer spun-out and facing the wrong direction, kart no. . It is brutal what happened on P11 - P20 why, because zero points at stakes, everyone just go crazy.

Even the one that finished 1st during pre-final retired the race, it really though and not fun round, due to track layout, the one with aggressive driving style have advantage, they can do all the dive bomb on brake.

Luckily we have 2 weeks gap to go to round-4, I will make new strategy.

I already ask appeal to race director written about point system. They responded, but it will not be changed immediately, for next year perhaps, the problem is next year I will be outside Qatar, hopefully my proposal on point system will be applied, so QKC will be more competitive and fun.

If current point system is kept, my strategy is driving slow on QTT, so I will classified on the second/slow group, easier to get points. if you watch next round, round-4, you will see funny and jokes all in the QTT, everyone will drive slow. I make bet on it, hahahaha

Point standing after round-3, scored nothing, but gaining friends.

Note on 1 driver that initially angry at me during the pre-final, he actually nice guy, after the grand final, we talk and he share tips to me about setup the seating position, this round not really bad after all, at least I got new friend, that really matters.

Round 5 of 5


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