29 Jan 2021
Ini punya salah satu customer dia punya hero 7 dan 8.
GoPro Hero 7 & 8 yang katanya tahan air laut tanpa casing tambahan, dibawalah berenang di laut.
GoPro Hero 7 & 8 are said to be air and sea resistant without additional casing, they can be taken for swimming in the sea.Blepp
Tau-tau ga mau nyala lagi
it wont turn on anymore
GoPro dikirim ke saya untuk di cek, apa isi nya? silahkan disimak.
Gopro being sent to me for checking, we will see what inside? keep up with me dear readers.
Nah itu dia kondisinya
Mainboard berkarat putih-putih, utk hero 8 cenderung mainboard saja
White rust in the mainboard, for hero 8 tend the rust on the mainboard only.
Kalau hero 5 6 7, sering tapi ga selalu, mainboard kena, dan juga LCD juga kena.
For hero 5 6 7, often but not always, mainboard damaged and also the LCD screen damaged due to seawater.
Kalau sudah begini sih ga ada cara lain selain ganti mainboard, karena percuma di ganti satu persatu part, malah jadi lebih mahal dan kemungkinan gagal.
One solution only, to change the mainboard, because if we try to change each component one by one, it will reach to buy new price.
oh iya untuk mencegah air kemana-mana dan makin parah kena part-part lain, lakuin ini http://www.27augusta.web.id/2017/03/pertolongan-pertama-pada-gopro-hero.html
This is what you should do if your gopro have waterleak
Kalau mau service GoPro Hero bisa kontak https://www.instagram.com/gprogears
Footage using repaired hero 8
Footage of GPS overlay with circuit layout and timing, editing using Sony Vegas + Dashware
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