23 Nov 2020
This text tells you how to use your GoPro as webcam camera without any complicated setting, but before you proceed you need to know that you need to purchase some equipment/tools so not just plugin your USB type C or mini USB cable to Laptop BIG NO.
Tulisan dibawah menjelaskan cara menggunakan GoPro Hero series sebagai webcam camera tanpa ribet, tapi sebelum melanjutkan anda harus tau kalau ada barang tambahan yang harus dibeli sebelum bisa menggunakan gopro sebagai webcam
In this text i will try also to sell you this package.
Saya jual kit nya di paling bawah
So basically the GoPro has micro HDMI output port, we will utilize this port as input to our Laptop or PC.
Jadi GoPro punya output micro HDMI, kita akan menggunakan line ini utk konek ke laptop kita
Below the result for GoPro Hero 4 Silver, used as ZOOM meeting Web Cam
Hasil menggunakan GoPro Hero 4 Silver, dipakai di ZOOM meeting jadi lebih jernih
Below is the arrangement will look like use with GoPro Hero 6, used as ZOOM meeting Web Cam
Test Footage
If you interest to have the package you can buy on below link
Price around USD 20
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