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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2014

Bali 2014; GWK - Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Pandawa Beach, Water Edge

Feb 2014 Bali The title of this trip is "mainstream". The reason was, we went to places that every people that come to bali have visited. First place was Garuda Wisnu Kencana, it's famousness come from the enormous size of garuda statue or sculpture that made from bronze, yes bronze, you can try knock it and hear the echo of metallic material. The another fascinating thing that, GWK landscape was artificially build by cutting a hill. This place was well organized and well maintained. The entrance fee was Rp.45.000 ~ $4 There were hanoman show also in this place, similar like in Uluwatu Temple, but with different appearance and different dance/gesture   Levitation photshoot in front of model of complete GWK statue 

Yogya Trip 2013; Mirota Cabaret Show, Kukup, Drini Beach

The famous Mirota Batik at Malioboro street in Yogyakarta, hide an entertaining show that held in the night at 3rd floor of mirota batik, it's called Oyot Godhong Mirota Cabaret show, that a ladyboy sing and dance, resemble several local and international artist.  I must give them a stand up applause, because they are showed us what is hardwork, talent and practice meaning, that reflected to every gesture that they do.  This one is resemble Rossa "famous indonesian singer"

2013 Bali; Finn's beach club, Flapjacks, Uluwatu Temple

Bali trip First week of Jul 2013 A place that very suitable to lay your back and let the time goes by, finn's beach club located at Ungasan Bali. There are several umbrellas and pool chairs that ordered nicely facing the beach. The most convenience thing that Finn's has is, they provide a decent WIFI network for you to connect to the internet. The other thing that I like is the variety of food that provided, my favourite is Finn's pizza

Do it Yourself Ganti Striping/Decal Nouvo Z ke Nouvo MX 2005

23 Feb 2014 Setelah dipakai hampir 4 tahun, striping NOUVO MX 2006 yang dipakai motor sudah banyak luka - luka baret dari oknum - oknum tak bertanggung jawab di tempat parkir. Agak bosan dengan Striping MX 06, saya order Striping/Decal Nouvo MX 2005 yang lebih cerah

Iseng - Iseng Sequence Photography

Dari liat - liat photo - photo di grup gopro di kaskus, ada yang bilang tentang sequence photography jadi iseng coba - coba, ternyata ga terlalu sulit, cukup dengan photosop dan kamera dengan kemampuan ambil photo otomatis tiap 1 , 5 atau 10 detik (gopro) atau dengan kamera dengan mode burst (sony tx10) beberapa photo digabung(merge) dalam satu file photosop, setelah itu di edit per layer nya dengan brush / penghapus hasil

Lampu Turn-Sign/Sen tidak berkedip Ganti Flasher Sen Nouvo Z

18 Feb 2014 Yamaha Nouvo Z Setelah perbaikan rute kabel sen / turn signal, dan dipasang flasher sen 10rb an, kok lampu sen nya ga mau berkedip, Iseng -iseng bongkar lagi aja

Ganti Shockbreaker Depan dan Belakang Nouvo Z 2006

Hari Minggu, 16 Feb 2014 Punya waktu senggang buat kulik kulik motor, setelah hunting online dan ke toko sparepart, barang - barang yang dibutuhkan sudah lengkap, Tampang si nouvo Z sebelum eksekusi

Susahnya cari inner fender Nouvo Z

Musim hujan, kalo hujannya lagi deres sih ga apa2, motornya ga terlalu kotor, paling yang nyetir motor yang basah kuyup,, Jakarta 6 feb 14 akhir-akhir ini tiap pagi/subuh hujan trus berhenti, buat jalanan jadi berlumpur (mucky istilahnya orang bule) Celakanya motor saya Nouvo Z ada part yang saya remehkan, dan emang ga terlalu keliatan, yaitu fender inner yang menahan cipratan roda depan, setelah di tahan oleh spakbor, bagian inilah sebagai garda terakhir menangkis si air2 kotor menelusup ke daerah "bersih" motor